

env, teleport

An entity that teleports the player when they stand on a specified material surface. Keyvalues # Remote Destination (target<target_destination>) The entity specifying the point to which the player should be teleported. Game Material to Watch (gamematerial<choices>) When the player stands on this material, they will be teleported. 0: None 67: Concrete 77: Metal 68: Dirt 86: Vent 71: Grate 84: Tile 83: Slosh 87: Wood 80: Computer 89: Glass 70: Flesh 73: Clip 79: Foliage 78: Sand Default is “None”; 0. ...


lobby, online, teleport

Teleport to a given lobby member given their Steam ID or name. The target must be on the same map. Usage Examples # mom_lobby_teleport aaa Teleports to player with name aaa, aaaa, aaab, etc. mom_lobby_teleport 99999999999999999 Teleports to player with steam ID 99999999999999999.


timer, teleport

Restarts the player to the start of the current track; the player is teleported to their start mark if they have one, otherwise they are teleported to the middle of the start zone. If there is no start zone, the player will be teleported to the spawn position. Optionally takes a track number as a parameter, which can be used to get to bonus'. In the tricksurf gamemode this teleports the player back to their currently tracked trick, if there is any. ...


timer, teleport

Restarts the player to the start of the current stage on the current track; the player is teleported to their stage start mark if they have one, otherwise they are teleported to the middle of the stage zone. Optionally takes a stage number, or both stage and track numbers as parameters. This command will only reset the timer if the desired stage and track is not the one the player is currently on. ...


saveloc, teleport

Teleports the player to their current saved location. Binding +mom_saveloc_current and holding the set key down, freezes the player and loads the saveloc. Releasing the set key (-mom_saveloc_current) will unfreeze the player.