sticky jump

Sticky Jump

gamemode, info, sticky jump, sj

What is Sticky Jump? # Based on the Demoman class from Team Fortress 2, players shoot explosives that stick to surfaces and have control over their detonation which propels themselves throughout maps. Up to 3 of these arching bombs can be used at once to go at extremely high speeds, or they can be in alternation to pogo on the floor, the wall, or even in the air. Sticky Jump movement can be found in Team Fortress 2, however due to the high damage that stickybombs deal it has extremely limited use in competitive games. ...


func, trigger, TF2, limit, explosion, rocket jump, sticky jump, conc

Rockets, stickybombs, conc grenades, and other explosives will not detonate/explode inside this area. Keyvalues # Explosive prevention method (explosion_prevention_type<choices>) Determines the method of explosive prevention. 0: “[Default] Fizzle explosives upon detonation. This is the TF2 default.” 1: “Fizzle only airborne (handheld concs included) explosives upon detonation.” 2: “Fizzle upon landing instead of on attempted detonation.” 3: “Fizzle explosive immediately upon it entering the trigger.”