
Porting Goldsrc maps to Source

bhop, climb, conc, mapping, porting, guide

This guide is a work in progress. If you have questions or problems ask for help in the Momentum Mod Discord. # Before you start, you should know that maps with simple geometry work best for porting. Complex geometry can cause invalid solids which will need to be manually remade, and some textures will need to be realigned. Prerequisites: Have a basic understanding of Goldsrc, Valve Hammer Editor, and potentially Trenchbroom Download the . ...


conc, movement, player

Like sv_airaccelerate, but for air slowdown only (+back). Default value is the same as the mode’s default sv_airaccelerate value in all gamemodes except for Conc, where it is set to 10


rocket jump, sticky jump, conc, trigger

A trigger volume that can stick explosives to or inside of its area. Keyvalues # Method of explosive stick (mode<choices>) Explosive sticking behavior. 0: Stick on collision inside this area 1: Stick on entering this area Defaults to 0. Input # Stick(void) Sticks all explosives in this area. Unstick(void) Unsticks all explosives in this area. Explode(void) Explodes all explosives in this area. Fizzle(void) Fizzles all explosives in this area.